The Facility focuses on fluorescence microscopy and transmission microscopy techniques to local researchers. Here is a brief list of technologies researchers use in the Facility:
- General light microscopy services: phase, DIC, mulit-color fluorescence microscopy.
- Advanced fluorescence microscopy technology:
- Multi-dimensional (fluorescence) time-lapse microscopy.
- Deconvolution microscopy.
- Molecular interaction techniques (FRET (Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer); FCS (Fluorescence Correlative Spectroscopy);
- Photomanipulations: Photoactivation/switching; FRAP (Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching), FLIP, laser microdissection or trapping, etc.
- Fluorescence lifetime Imaging (FLIM).
- Spectral imaging.
- Super resolution microscopy - STED
- Transmission electron microscopy - bright field, dark field.
- Advanced TEM microscopy:
- Tomography,
- CryoTEM: high pressure sample freezing, freeze substitution, Cryothin sectioning, CryoTEM observation
- Immuno-gold labeling,
- Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy
- Microinjection