2015 Summer Student Research Program Announcement

The 2015 Summer Student Research Program in the Department of Oncology is now drawing to a close. Over 30 Canadian and international undergraduate students carried out research projects either at the Cross Cancer Institute, or elsewhere on campus supervised by faculty from the Department of Oncology.

This year, as in previous years, the Department of Oncology hosted a seminar series in which summer students had the opportunity to present the results of their summer research. As usual, the series was well attended by members of the department including faculty, staff and students. From among the many excellent speakers, three students were selected to receive awards for their outstanding presentations:

• First place: Rebecca Burchett (Godbout lab)

Dr.Godbout, Dr. Chan and Rebecca

• Second place: : Felicity Liu (Lewis lab)

Dr. Lewis and Felicity

• Third place: Emily Sunwoo (Weinfeld lab)

Dr. Weinfeld and Emily
Congratulations to all speakers, and many thanks for participating in the Department of Oncology Summer Research Program!


2015 Summer Students’ Research Program
48th Annual Summer Students’ Research Day




Rebecca Burchett

Dr. Roseline Godbout


Zosia Czarnecka

Dr. Peter Light

Pharmacology & ADI

*Justin Elliott

Dr. Oana Caluseriu

Medical Genetics

Daniel Krys

Dr. Frank Wuest


Konrad Lehmann
Dr. Maria Febbraio
School of Dentistry
Kaitlyn Lopushinsky
Dr. Lynne-Marie Postovit
Sonia Rawat
Dr. Gary D. Lopaschuk
Stewart Rowe
Dr. Sandra Davidge
Ob/Gyn, & Physiology
*Brian Whiteside
Dr. Sarah Forgie

*MD Student selected to represent the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry and the University of Alberta at the annual National Student Research Forum in Galveston, Texas in April 2016.
