Research Goal:
to understand the role that the DDX1 (DEAD box 1) plays in normal
and cancer cells. DDX1 is amplified and overexpressed in a subset
of retinoblastoma, neuroblastoma and rhabdomyosarcoma tumours and
has been postulated to play a role in the formation or
progression of these tumours. Previous work from our lab has
demonstrated that DDX1 protein forms discrete nuclear bodies
(called DDX1 foci) in the nucleus, which closely associate with
another nuclear body called cleavage body. Currently, I am
working on two projects: (1) investigation of the association
between DDX1 foci and other nuclear bodies (Cajal bodies, gems
and cleavage bodies) in the context of the cell cycle, as well as
their dependence on DNA replication and RNA transcription; (2)
identification of proteins interacting with DDX1 and possible
substrates of this putative RNA helicase in both the presence and
the absence of DNA damage.
Techniques: confocal microscopy, tissue
culture, fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS), western blot
analysis, yeast two-hybrid analysis, protein co-immunoprecipitation,
protein-RNA immunoprecipitation.
Li, L., Murphy, K.M., Kanevets,
U. and Reha-Krantz, L.J. Sensitivity to phos-phonoacetic acid: a new
phenotoype to probe DNA polymerase delta in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Genetics. 2005 Mar 31; [Epub ahead of print]
Li, L., Roy, K., Katyal, S., Sun,
X., Bléoo, S. and Godbout, R. Dynamic Nature of Cleavage Bodies and
their spatial relationship to DDX1 bodies, Cajal bodies and gems.
Mol. Biol. Cell 17: 1126-1140 (2006).
Godbout, R., Li, L., Liu, R.Z. and Roy, K. L. DEAD box 1: A Role in Retinoblastoma? Future Oncology 3: 575-587 (2007).
Li, L., Monckton, E.A. and Godbout, R. A role for DEAD box 1 at DNA double-strand breaks. Mol. Cell. Biol. 28: 6413-6425 (2008).
Li, L., Katyal, S., Packer, M. and Godbout, R. Identification of
DDX1 interacting proteins and DDX1 substrates. ACB Annual Research
Meeting, Banff, Alberta (2004).
Roy, K., Li, L., and Godbout, R. DEAD Box Nuclear Bodies during the
Cell Cycle. ACB Annual Research Meeting, Banff, Alberta (2004).
Li, L., Roy, K., Sun, X. and Godbout, R. Convergence of DDX1 foci,
cleavage bodies, Cajal bodies and gems during the S phase of the cell
cycle. The American Society for Cell Biology 45th Annual Meeting, San
Francisco, CA (2005). Published in Mol. Biol. Cell Suppl. 16.
Godbout, R. and Li, L. DEAD boxes and nuclear bodies in cancer.
Nuclear Structure and Cancer. 2007 FASEB Summer Research Conferences,
Vermont Academy, Saxtons River, Vermont (2007).
Li, L. and Godbout, R. The DEAD box protein DDX1 is involved in
cellular response to DNA double strand breaks. Nuclear Structure and
Cancer. 2007 FASEB Summer Research Conferences, Vermont Academy,
Saxtons River, Vermont (2007).
Li, L. and Godbout, R. The DEAD box 1 (DDX1) protein is involved in cellular response to DNA double strand breaks. Alberta Cancer Research Institute Research Meeting, Banff, Alberta (November 6-8, 2007).
Li, L., Monckton, E.A. and Godbout, R. A novel role for DEAD box 1 protein: A DNA repair connection? Alberta Cancer Research Institute Research Meeting, Banff, Alberta (November 25-27, 2008).
Li, L., Monckton, E.A. and Godbout, R. A Novel Role for DEAD Box 1 Protein: A DNA Repair Connection? 2nd Annual Canadian Human Genetics Conference, Harrison Hot Springs, BC (May 24-27, 2009).
Li, L., Monckton, E.A. and Godbout, R. A novel role for DEAD box 1 protein at DNA double-strand breaks. 2009 Alberta Cancer Institute Research Meeting, Banff, Alberta (November 24-26, 2009).
Li, L., Monckton, E.A. and Godbout, R. Investigating the role of DEAD Box 1 in DNA double-strand break repair. 2010 Gordon Research Conference in DNA Damage, Mutation and Cancer. Ventura, CA (March 21-26, 2010).
Alberta Cancer Foundation Fellowship