Rong-Zong Liu ( Ph. D. , Dalhousie University), Research Associate |
Ph. D., Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada (Izaak Walton Killam Scholar);
Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada (Alberta Cancer Foundation and Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research Fellowship awards)
Research interests: My main research interest is to investigate the roles of intracellular lipid-binding proteins (iLBPs) in normal and cancer cells. I am currently involved in the following research projects: (1) Prognostic significance and functional mechanism of iLBPs in human breast cancers; (2) Function and regulation of FABP7 in human malignant glioma cells; (3) Characterization of FABP12 and its role in spermatogenesis.
Publications:(from 2003)
Liu, RZ. Graham, K. Glubrecht, DD. Lai, R. Mackey, JR. Godbout, R. 2012. A Fatty Acid-Binding Protein 7/RXRbeta Pathway Enhances Survival and Proliferation in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer. J Pathol. 228(3):310-321.
Liu, RZ. Monckton, EA. Godbout, R. 2012. Regulation of FABP7 by PAX6 in malignant glioma cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 422(3):482-487.
Liu, RZ. Graham, K., Glubrecht, D.D., Germain, D.R., Mackey, J.R. and Godbout, R. 2011. Association of FABP5 expression with poor survival in triple-negative breast cancer: implication for retinoic acid therapy. Am. J. Pathol. 178(3):997-1008.
Liu, RZ. Mita, R. Beaulieu, M. Gao, Z. Godbout, R. 2010. fatty acid binding proteins in brain development and diseases. Int J Dev Biol. 54:1229-1239.
Liu, RZ. Li, X. Godbout, R. 2008. A novel fatty acid-binding protein (FABP) gene resulting from tandem gene duplication in mammals: transcription in rat retina and testis. Genomics. 92(6):436-445.
Katyal, S. Gao, Z. Liu, RZ. Godbout, R. 2007. Evolutionary conservation of alternative splicing in chicken. Cytogenet Genome Res. 117:146-157.
Godbout, R. Li, L. Liu, RZ. Roy, K. 2007. Role of DEAD box 1 in retinoblastoma and neuroblastoma. Future Oncol. 3(5):575-587.
Liu, RZ. Saxena V. Sharma, MK. Sun, Q. Degrave, A. Thisse, C. Thisse, B. Denovan-Wright, EM. Wright, JM. 2007. fabp4 gene in zebrafish (Danio rerio): genomic homology with the mammalian FABP4 and divergence from the zebrafish fabp3 in developmental expression. FEBS J 274(6)1621-1633. Cover paper.
Sharma, MK. Liu, RZ. Thisse, C. Thisse, B. Denovan-Wright, EM. Wright, JM. 2006. Hierarchical subfunctionalization of fabp1a, fabp1b and fabp10 tissue-specific expression may account for retention of these duplicated genes in the zebrafish (Danio rerio) genome. FEBS J 273(14) 3216-3229.
Liu, RZ. Sharma, MK. Sun, Q. Degrave, A. Thisse, C. Thisse, B. Denovan-Wright, EM. Wright, JM. 2005. Retention of the duplicated genes for cellular retinoic acid-binding protein type I (crabp1a, crabp1b) in the zebrafish genome by subfunctionalization of tissue-specific expression. FEBS J 272(14):3561-3571.
Liu, RZ. Sun, Q. Thisse, C. Thisse, B. Wright, JM. Denovan-Wright, EM. 2005. The cellular retinal-binding protein genes are duplicated and differentially transcribed in the developing and adult zebrafish (Danio rerio). Mol Biol Evol 22(3):469-477.
Sharma, MK. Saxena V. Liu, RZ. Thisse, C. Thisse, B. Denovan-Wright, EM. Wright, JM. 2005. Differential expression of the duplicated cellular retinoic acid-binding protein 2 genes (crabp2a and crabp2b) during zebrafish embryonic development. Gene Expr Patterns 5(3):371-379.
Liu, RZ. Denovan-Wright, EM. Degrave, A. Thisse, C. Thisse, B. Wright, JM. 2004. Differential expression of duplicated genes for brain-type fatty acid-binding proteins (fabp7a and fabp7b) during early development of the CNS in zebrafish (Danio rerio). Gene Expr Patterns 4(4):379-387.
Liu, RZ. Denovan-Wright, EM. Degrave, A. Thisse, C. Thisse, B. Wright, JM. 2004. Spatio-temporal distribution of cellular retinol-binding protein gene transcripts (CRBPI and CRBPII) in the developing and adult zebrafish (Danio rerio). Eur J Biochem 271(1):339-348.
Liu, RZ. Denovan-Wright, EM. Wright, JM. 2003. Structure, mRNA expression and linkage mapping of the brain-type fatty acid-binding protein gene (fabp7) from zebrafish (Danio rerio). Eur J Biochem 270(4):715-725.
Liu, RZ. Denovan-Wright, EM. Wright, JM. 2003. Structure, linkage mapping and expression of the heart-type fatty acid-binding protein gene (fabp3) from zebrafish (Danio rerio). Eur J Biochem 270(15):3223-3234.
Liu, RZ. Graham, K. Glubrecht, DD. Mackey, JR and Godbout, R. 2011. FABP7, a significant adverse prognostic factor in triple-negative breast cancer revealed by functional genomic studies. The 6th International Conference on Genomics. Shenzhen, China (November 12-15, 2011).
Liu, R.-Z., Graham, K., Glubrecht, D.D., Mackey, J.R. and Godbout, R. FABPs in human breast cancer: clinicopathologic associations and prognostic significance. 2010 Alberta Cancer Foundation Research Conference, Banff, Alberta (November 8-10, 2010).
Liu, R.-Z., A novel fatty acid-binding prteoin (FABP) gene resulting from tandem gene duplication in mammals: Dynamic mRNA distribution in testicular germ cells. 2009 The 4th International Conference on Genomics. Shenzhen, China (November 2-5, 2009).
Liu, R.-Z., Coles, J.E. and Godbout, R. Role of FABP7 in human malignant glioma cells: tumorigenic and nuclear function. American Association for Cancer Research, Hong-Kong, December 1-4, 2008.
Liu, R.-Z., Coles, J.E. and Godbout, R. Exploring the function and the underlying pathway of FABP7 in human malignant glioma cells. Alberta Cancer Research Institute Research Meeting, Banff, Alberta (November 6-8, 2007).
Liu, R.-Z., Coles, J.E. and Godbout, R. Expression of fatty acid-binding proteins in human malignant glioma cells and the role of FABP7 on tumour cell growth. The 6th International Conference on Lipid Binding Proteins, Vancouver, BC (June 3-5, 2007).
Liu, R.-Z. and Godbout, R. Regulation of FABP7 expression by Pax6 in human malignant glioma cells. ACB Annual Research Meeting, Banff (November 7-9, 2006).
Liu, R.-Z., Coles, J.E., Hao, C. and Godbout, R. Expression and function of intracellular fatty acid-binding proteins in human malignant glioma cells and tissues. American Association for Cancer Research 97th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. (April 2006).
Liu, R.-Z., Coles, J. and Godbout, R. Expression and function of intracellular fatty acid-binding proteins in human malignant glioma cells and tissues. ACB Annual Research Meeting, Banff, Alberta (2005).
Liu, R. and Godbout, R. Up-regulation of fatty acid-binding proteins in human malignant glioma cells. The American Society for Cell Biology 44th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. (December 4-8, 2004). Published in Mol. Biol. Cell Suppl/ 15: 479 (127A).
Liu, R.Z., Hao, C. and Godbout, R. Expression and induction of fatty acid-binding proteins in human malignant glioma cells. ACB Annual Research Meeting, Banff, Alberta (2004)
Funding source:
Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation Alberta Cancer Foundation
Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research