a) Deconvolution software to remove out of fosuc haze from microscopic images. These includes: Autodeblurr from Mediacybergenetics (http://www.mediacy.com/index.aspx?page=AutoDeblur&gclid=CN_N1snekJ8CFQjyDAoddhBIOQ); Huygens essential from SVI ( http://www.svi.nl/ ) and SoftWoRx from API (http://www.api.com/software/softworxexplorer.asp).
For information regarding Deconvolution, please visit http://www.olympusmicro.com/primer/digitalimaging/deconvolution/deconvolutionhome.html
b) 3-D image processing and analysis software: Imaris from Bitplane (www.bitplane.com) or Volocity from PerkinElmer (http://www.cellularimaging.com/products/Volocity/).
c) 2-D image processing and analysis and image acquisition software: Metamorph from Molecular devices (http://www.moleculardevices.com/pages/software/metamorph.html?gclid=COWV0aK_pogCFSI-SAodUWx6SA ), ImageJ ( http://rsb.info.nih.gov/ij/ ), Photoshop (www.adobe.com ) and Zeiss Axiovision.
d) Some of the computers are equipped with Zeiss LSM software (ZEN) for offline processing of confocal/FCS data.